Have you ever needed a website that should be built with WordPress Themes, but also should push the boundaries of this beautiful content management system? Ever needed to create a WordPress Themeswebsite to share code snippets, or set ...
Monthly Archives: maggio 2014
Si apre la nuova stagione turistico-gastronomica a Gioiosa Marea, il Lido Capo Calavà è già pronto, Asia ci accompagna alla scoperta dei nuovi piatti ricchi di fantasia e squisitezza tipica della gastronomia Gioiosana mentre il maestro pizzaiolo Antonio ci ...
WordPress Themes can be more faster than you think let’s see how !!? A few months ago, I ran an experiment to see how much faster I could make one of my websites in less than two hours ...
WordPress Themes PHPMyAdmin – or PMA – is an excellent free, open source web-based database client which can be used to interact more easily with MySQL and WordPress databases. I’ll describe how to install it, secure it and ...
I’ve been working with WordPress since the dawn of time, and even though I peek at the source code regularly, I still discover new tips and tricks. I’ve compiled my own list of 21 techniques that are handy, ...
Fonte: 98Zero.com, autore: Silvia Raimondo Gioiosa Marea – Momenti di panico questa mattina per un torrenovese che viaggiava sulla A20 Messina Palermo. L’uomo stava percorrendo con il proprio figlio, intorno alle 8, la galleria Capo Calavà in direzione ...
FRANCESCO BUZZURRO DOMENICA IN CONCERTO A CAPO D’ORLANDO (ME) ospite di Little Sicily – La Sicilia che eccelle Il 20 maggio al Palacultura di Messina Il 24 maggio a Vittoria (RG) per l’anteprima del Vittoria Jazz Festival Dopo il ...
Tortorici (ME): i Carabinieri sorprendono 3 pregiudicati a rubare. Ieri pomeriggio, a Tortorici, i Carabinieri della locale Stazione hanno arrestato in flagranza di reato R. C., bracciante agricolo di 49 anni, A. G., bracciante agricolo 57 enne, pregiudicato e ...
Now powering over 17% of the Web, WordPress is increasingly becoming the content management system (CMS) of choice for the average user. But what about websites built with an outdated CMS or without a CMS at all? Does ...
How To Create A Twitter Widget for your WordPress Themes . Twitter needs no introduction.Wordpress Themes It has become the way to reach audiences for some people and companies and a place to hang out for others. Placing ...